Monday, January 14, 2013

Bangkok Traffic Police Trained Obstetrics

Know whether you? dibangkok traffic police trained in obstetrics: D (Riri really like this, the government bangkok means considering that even the little things are rarely made ​​in other countries).
Severe Loss happens in Bangkok can last for many hours each day. Many issues arise from a standstill, including critical issues such as childbirth.

For this reason, the Bangkok traffic police to form a special unit to deal with this, the traffic cop midwife. Reported by al-Jazeera, Thursday, September 27, 2012, the unit was getting midwifery training every year in Bangkok Hospital and training from Honda about safe driving.

Safe driving techniques required the police midwives to bring pregnant women to the hospital. Typically, they step on the gas up to 150 km / h to get pregnant women to hospitals that can not be handled directly assessed.

The unit is very necessary. Because, Bangkok with five million vehicles and roads cover only eight percent of the metropolis, can trigger jams that last for hours.

Compare with the city of New York that has only 1.9 million vehicles, while the total area 2.5 times Bangkok. Volume street in New York is also 20-30 percent of the total urban land.
One of the police officers on duty midwife named Mana Jokkoksung, 43. He was taught to remain calm and resolute in carrying out their duties to help the birth.

Earlier this year, the Bangkok traffic policeman had helped midwife the birth of 100 babies on the way. Which is a mainstay in the police unit has helped 47 of them. "At first, people thought it odd unit. Yet now they look mercifully,"

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